Thursday, May 27, 2010

A couple of things...

Today I wanted to see what the children could remember about making a circuit. So we pretended that some of the things in our class were wires, batteries, switches and light bulbs. Here are Piper and Henna with their circuit. It has two batteries, wires, three light bulbs and a switch. Can you see them? Is the circuit off or on?
We also published some more letters. It has been very wet this week and we wanted to write letters to Room 5 to say thank you for being our ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT wet day monitors. They are always really nice, help solve our problems and play games with us. Here is Jungmin publishing her letter, and Shougo addressing the big envelope.
We hope Room 5 like our letters.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Road Safety

Today Constable Sue came to talk to us about being safe on the road (or walking near the road). She read us a story telling us about all the different types of traffic. There are cars, trucks, bikes, police cars, ambulances, graders, taxis and heaps more.
One thing we did realise, was that some of us need a booster seat when we go for a ride in the car. All children under the age of 8 years (and 148cm) are supposed to have a booster seat. This means that the seat belt will be more comfortable and it will do the right job if we have an accident.

We have our fingers crossed because tomorrow Constable Sue is going to come back and go for a walk with us. Hopefully the weather will behave!

Road safety aside...yesterday Carlos and Emily made a farm out of lego. Can you see the animals drinking from the trough and can you see the tractors?

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ronald McDonald!

Ronald McDonald came to visit us today. He is really tall...even taller than Miss O'Neill!We have all got our very own 'pedometer' to count our steps for the next three weeks as we excort the All Whites to their kick-off match on June 15. We know that they are in a place called South Africa and we know that you would have to get there by plane, so it is a very long way away.
This morning, Ronald McDonald taught us how to use the pedometers. He joined us for some dancing and some spider soccer!

For more information visit:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Posting our letters.

This week we wrote thank you letters to Kiwisport and Science Alive for their visits last week. We published our letters and illustrated them.

We even addressed our own envelopes with our very neat handwriting.

Whoops...two pictures of Piper...can't seem to delete it...lucky Piper! :)

Then we walked to the post box across the road to deliver our letters.

It was fun!

Thank you to Mrs Hey and Mrs park for walking with us!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Electrician Visit

First of all, this morning Room 10 hosted Discovery Time again. We had heaps of fun playing with playdough, making toast, playing with water, role-playing doctors, drawing, using the computers and building things out of lego. Thank you to Perry (Jordan's dad in R11), Cherida (Cadie's mum in Cool Dots) and Abby (Jade's mum in our classroom) for always it is VERY much appreciated.
This afternoon, Olivia was chuffed to have her dad the Electrician come to visit. Warwick brought some equipment with him, so the children could see what an electrician does.

Here we have Olivia using a wind-up generator. The faster you wind the handle...the brighter the light glows.
Jahkwon is using positive and negative wires to make the magnets turn.
And...finally...this is what an electrician looks like! Anytime you need an electrician...just give Rowan a call!
Thank you to Warwick...we loved having you come to visit.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Kiwisport Day

Today we had some people from Lincoln University come and take us for some kiwisports. We had a go at sports that we wouldn't normally do.

Here we are learning how to march.

Here we are learning some basketball skills.

Here we are having a go a indoor bowls.
Thank you, Kiwisport!
P.S. Miss O'Neill forgot to organise parent helpers for Discovery Time on Monday. Any Room 10 parents (grandparents?) keen to help out between 9 - 10am on Monday morning? We will be doing things like playdough, building blocks, painting etc. See you on Monday morning if you can help. THANK YOU :)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Science Alive

This afternoon, Science Alive came to visit us to teach us about "Electrifying Electricity". What fun we had!!!We had a go at making our own circuits to make light bulbs go, and even had a go at making a buzzing sound too.We also found out about static energy. We loved the plastic box filled with polystyrene beans...static energy makes them jump all around!At one of the stations, we had to figure out what items might turn on the light. We had to choose from items like: paper clip, sponge, bottle top, key etc.
Thank you Science Alive!Here is Madisyn. Can you see her hair sticking up? Rubbing a balloon on your head does that!!!

Also, a big THANK YOU to our parent helpers: Nathan, Lisa, John and Warwick. We hope you had fun too!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Today was Monique's last day at Wairakei School. She is returning to Linwood Avenue School next week.

To say goodbye, Miss O'Neill organised a special surprise treat for us...we made double chocolate cookies!!! Yummy!

First of all some of us helped to put melted butter, brown sugar and an egg into a bowl. Here is Shougo and Monique using an electric beater to mix it all up.
After the butter, sugar and egg were mixed up really well, we put flour, baking powder, cocoa and chocolate drops into the bowl too. Here is Hunter and Madisyn mixing those ingredients up with the butter and egg mixture.
The next thing we had to do was spoon the mixture into balls onto some baking paper. Here is Sophie, Caitlin and Carlos with one of our trays ready to go in the oven.
The cookies took about 10 minutes to cook. We made a lot of cookies...enough for two cookies each!

They were delicious!

I hope you enjoyed the surprise treat, Monique. Have a fabulous time at Linwood Avenue School!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Class Treat!

Yesterday, Room 10 earned their next whole class treat.

So we made a mexican hat!

We used a polystyrene cup, decorated it and then we watched Miss O'Neill bake them in the oven!!! Yes, that's right!!! She put them in the oven!

Have a look at our pictures...

Madisyn said "It was fun watching the cups shrink in the oven."

Jungmin said "I liked it when the cups got little."

Caitlin said "It was fun touching them after they had shrunk."

Carlos and Hunter said "If we are going to do this at home, we should have an adult with us ALL the time."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Otakaro Cross Country

Last friday afternoon, we held our Junior Otakaro Cross Country. Everyone in Room 10 ran their best and they should be very proud of their efforts.

Congratulations to Shougo and Emily, who were the first boy and girl across the finish line. All that training sure paid off!

Second and Third girls were Jungmin and Madisyn. Second and Third boys were Rowan and Hunter.
A huge thank you to Mrs Parkes who was responsible for the organisation, students (and Mr Lynch) from Room 5 who helped as field marshalls and even ran with some of the little students, and to ALL the wonderful parents and family members who came to support the children...what an absolutely brilliant turn out! We even had senior classrooms come out and watch too - great!

In the weekend, even some teachers ran their own cross country! Mrs Parkes, Miss Miller and Miss O'Neill ran the Tai Tapu 15km run on Sunday. Here we are ready to start our race...