Joshua and Te Aroha showed us how to brush the front, back, side and inside of our teeth...and our tongue too!
All of Room 10 were given their own toothbrush and toothpaste to take home - how cool!
Miss Keeling has also been teaching us how to model with salt dough. The children looked at different types of masks and discussed the various facial features (eyes, nose, mouth etc), then drew a plan of their own mask. We used salt dough to make a model from our plan and painted it to make it look like real life. Here is a video of our masks. Can you see how many masks actually look like their creator?
Don't the masks look ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!
The other day Room 10 earned their third whole class reward for the year. We made jelly, then ate it with some ice cream - yum!
It is Miss Keeling's last day with us on Friday and we are very sad. It has been awesome to have her with us for the past 7 weeks and we will miss her very much. On Friday we are going to have a shared lunch and party. Room 10 will need to bring a plate of finger food to share.
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