Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christchurch Earthquake 22 February 2011

This is exactly what the children from Room 10 were yesterday during the big earthquakes. They were SUPERKIDS! The first earthquake occured during the lunchbreak, while they were all outside playing. As soon as these superkids felt the earthquake they went straight to the field area (like we have practised). I was inside the classroom (which was really scary!) and immediately went out to the field, where I found my classroom all congregated together. They were amazing!

It was a little chilly, so we snuggled in close together to keep warm until parents came to fetch their children.

I hope all children and families are safe. School is closed for the rest of the week (at least). Keep watching the news or listening to the radio to hear when school will start back.

I'm thinking of you all, and hope you are staying safe.

Hugs from Miss O'Neill


  1. Hello Room 10

    We are a class of year 4 & 5 students from the Manawatu. Our school is Halcombe. Well done to you all for being SUPERKIDS. We are now following your blog and we'll look forward to hearing when you're back at school. In the meantime, keep safe and look after your friends and families. Kia kaha. Mrs Hunter and her room 4 students.

  2. Hi Mrs Hunter and Room 4,
    how exciting to get a comment from another class in NZ (especially the North Island). We look forward to keeping in contact (when school starts back again for us). Do you have a blog that we can follow?

    Miss O'Neill

  3. Hi Room 10 and Miss O'Neill

    Yes we do have a class blog

    We hope you are back to school soon. We are looking forward to keeping in contact with you.

    From Room 4 and Mrs Hunter
